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Machine for gravity die casting, die casting, mould casting in the foundry GTR

GTR Casting Technology : The specialist in cast components

Introduction GTR Casting Technology : International services of cast components

„The cooperation of our employees with our customers and suppliers is our greatest asset. As a team with a passion for cast products, we do everything possible to meet our customers‘ expectations. Increasing the added value, with optimal price-performance ratio, coupled with a reliable supply chain of cast products of the highest quality, that is our message, test us!“

Employees Foundry GTR controlled procured castings Components

GTR International in Vietnam

GTR Vietnam is an independent, internationally operating company owned by the family of RH
Investment Germany and a sister company of GTR International Germany. Our business purpose is the supplier development and support as well as the control of the production in Vietnam including the quality assurance on site.

Container ship on ocean gtr casting technology vietnam


The trade agreement between the EU and Vietnam of 01 August 2020 has led to significant
facilitations in the movement of goods between the EU and Germany respectively. Vietnam is also a member of the ASIAN – Pacific Regional Trade Groups.


Vietnam thus secures access to the largest free trade zone in the world, which thus comprises 30% of the global gross domestic product. Our more than 10 years of local know-how helps our customers to achieve faster and more sustainable savings potentials. We optimize your procurement and production costs by purchasing castings here in Vietnam. Pre-development and production of prototypes in our own prototype foundry is also part of our service, saving valuable time and thus costs.

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